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- Corpus ID: 7414999
@inproceedings{Woosley2001ALA, title={A LOOK AT THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN MBTI PSYCHOLOGICAL TYPES AND MODE CONFLICT STYLES}, author={Elsa R. Woosley}, year={2001}, url={}}
- E. Woosley
- Published 2001
- Psychology
Woosley Elsa R (Writer) (Last Name) (First) (Initial) A Look at the Relationships Between MBTI Psychological (Title) Types and MODE Conflict Styles Guidance & Counseling-Mental Health Dr. Donald Baughman May,2001 81 (Graduate Major) (Research Advisor) (Month/Year) (No. of Pages) American Psychological Association (APA) Publication Manual (Name of Style Manual Used in this Study) This study examines the relationship between psychological type as measured by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI…
7 Citations
7 Citations
- Shohreh GhorbanshiroudiJ. KhalatbariM. MaddahiSolmaz SadodinMohammad Mojtaba Keikhayfarzaneh
- 2011
Education, Psychology
Background: The most critical factor for making good situation to get a result in educational purposes, are the manager's of educational organization, it means the principals. Beacause of…
- 5
- Sara MoussaIris AchkoutyDiana MalaebA. GhosnS. ObeidS. Hallit
- 2023
Psychology, Medicine
BMC Psychology
Evaluated association between personality traits and perceived cognitive function among healthcare professionals in Lebanon during the collapsing period shows that the choice of these cognitive processes is strongly affected by different personality traits, such as extroversion, conscientiousness, and negative emotionality.
- 3
- L. FitrianaY. FuadA. H. Rosyidi
- 2019
Mathematics, Psychology
Proceedings of the International Conference on…
Problem solving becomes one of several competencies which forms the heart of the mathematics literate. Reviewing the process, it cannot only be explained linearly. There is a great chance that steps…
- 1
- Aroona HashmiQamar Naz
- 2020
Psychology, Education
There are some specific trends and regularities of behavioral patterns in individuals which determine their personality traits. This study was aimed to determine the impact of big five personality…
- L. FitrianaY. FuadR. Ekawati
- 2018
Mathematics, Psychology
Critical thinking plays an important role for students in solving open-ended problems. This research aims at describing student’s critical thinking in solving open-ended problems based on Keirsey’s…
- 5
- Mahmood Hashemian
- 2020
Education, Psychology
This study investigated the effect of incidental/intentional learning and the effect of personality types on participants’ vocabulary learning. The sample involved 69 L2 learners. After completing a…
- en la aviación
- 2020
Psychology, Sociology
The article substantiates the need to include psychological characteristics relevant to managing information flows into the list of professional qualities that are important to success in aviation.…
- 1
- Highly Influenced
35 References
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To investigate how the scales of the MBTI combine interactively to predict strategic intentions for handling interpersonal conflict, the MBTI and the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (MODE)…
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Psychology, Business
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Psychology, Business
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Psychology, Political Science
The instrument that is most widely used in both research and training is the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Management-of-Differences (MODE) scale. This article highlights the MODE's uniqueness in assessing…
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- 1996
Psychology, Business
This paper provides a review of research into the relationships between psychological types, as measured by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), and managerial attributes, behaviors and…
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Psychological reports
The results suggest that the Jungian functions related to judging and the type of enactment are significantly related to an individual's conflict-handling behavior.
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Psychology, Business
Abstract Relationships were examined between the assertiveness and cooperativeness dimensions of conflict styles, as determined by the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict MODE Instrument, and the specific…
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Business, Psychology
The theory of the managerial grid, a model of interrelations among styles of management, was used as the criterion for validating the two best-known self-report measures of conflict management…
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