How-tos for creating character sheets with Excel? | Tabletop Roleplaying Open (2025)

The Tweaker

Generic system fan

20 Year Hero!

  • Aug 24, 2011
  • #1

I have very little experience with Excel, other than using it for creating loooong lists of items related to my job, but I know there are people out there who use it for creating custom character sheets and character generators. Are there any good tutorials or example how-tos avilable which I could use to get started? Thanks!


I am the one you warned me of

20 Year Hero!

  • Aug 24, 2011
  • #2

First, I would suggest looking at other excel character sheets and seeing what they do and how they do it. Then try to dissect it. You would need an unprotected sheet, as some data tabs might be hidden (I used to hide mine so it looked cleaner, but started leaving it open so others could modify them to their own needs, or dissect them and see how it works).

Second, I would suggest just starting with the basics of sheet design, before worrying about adding a ton of formula. Make something that looks good and works for filling it out without automating it.

Third, after you've gotten a good looking sheet and have analyzed some other sheets to see how they work, start playing with your sheet from the second step. You might end up wanting to reformat it, or it might work for you as is. Always save a master copy of the original in case you make a mistake somewhere. Sometimes, it is easier to go back to the beginning rather than tracking down an issue.

Fourth, if you want to get into Visual Basic, classes and/or a lot of studying. I never got into VB for mine, but some folks do and it can be pretty nifty.

My sheet is hosted on the VandV Yahoo Group, as well as a few others. Taking a look at those, you can see the different styles people go with for the sheets.


Simon Phipp - RQ Fogey

Validated User

  • Aug 25, 2011
  • #3

I like blocky character sheets with things nicely aranged in tables and columns, so Excel is perfect for that.

What I do is as follows:
1. Use single-character-width cells - that makes everything easy to maintain.
2. Use formulae to calculate any derived stats. I use RQ/BRP and they take characteristics and calculate skill bonuses, hit points, strike ranks and so on, which is a breeze with Excel.
3. Don't bother merging cells, unless you really have to. The only reason that I merge cells is to get a cell block with multiple lines. It's just a pain in other situations.
4. Don't worry what it looks like in Excel, if you print it out then it should look nice. You especially need row and column guides to help line things up.
5. Use the various Excel formatting options, including formatting of text inside a cell - you can get some nice effects there, especially if you are using runes or tickboxes.
6. Don't forget to save it and make a backup.


Southern Mane

RPGnet Member

  • Aug 25, 2011
  • #4

What they said. (Except for the cell merging -- I do that a lot, to make it look nice. It's a pain, though.)

Do the big things first -- what goes on the sheet, where on the sheet you want it, etc. Moving stuff around is much easier before you get too fancy with it.

Test the sheet regularly in a real game. It's the only way to make sure it works for you, in the way that you will use it.

Custom-format numbers are pretty simple to use, and let you improve readability a lot.

You don't have to write out all those additions that are on the preprinted sheets. They can take up valuable space.

Leave room for tracking HP, writing notes, etc.

Have fun!


Methodical Madman

20 Year Hero!

  • Aug 25, 2011
  • #5

A few things I recommend:

- Cells with Data Validation + VLOOKUP / HLOOKUP are your friends. Once you get them going, you can get a lot of info filled out with only a few selections.
- I tend to have one sheet as an entry sheet and a final, cleaned up sheet for printing. I do tend to have more utilitarian sheets - not pretty, but they have lots of data.

I avoid VBasic, but that's because I have Excel on my work computer (I mess with the sheets at lunch.) and Open Office at home. There can be some compatibility issues between the two even so.

The Tweaker

Generic system fan

20 Year Hero!

  • Aug 25, 2011
  • #6

Hey, thanks for all the advice. This will be very useful. I am having a look at several other online Excel tutorials and will try to work out something How-tos for creating character sheets with Excel? | Tabletop Roleplaying Open (7)


Simon Phipp - RQ Fogey

Validated User

  • Aug 25, 2011
  • #7

Myth said:

What they said. (Except for the cell merging -- I do that a lot, to make it look nice. It's a pain, though.)

I spent a day creating a spreadsheet with merged cells, but when I tried to rearrange things it was an absolute nightmare, so now I don't bother.

My players have customised each character sheet to do what they want, so they have rearranged several sections. Merging would have caused problems there too.

But, merged cells do look a lot nicer on screen.

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How-tos for creating character sheets with Excel? | Tabletop Roleplaying Open (2025)
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